A new video series produced by Alibaba explores the role China has played in the growth of three British brands, with a particular focus on the challenges of expanding internationally amid the Covid-19 pandemic, this time featuring Sweaty Betty
When the pandemic hit and retail stores closed, British activewear brand Sweaty Betty had to ramp up its online offering overnight. Luckily, the brand has always taken a “digital first” approach, which also stood them in good stead when they launched on Tmall Global in February 2021. Since then, Alibaba’s consumer insights have helped them build a loyal community of shoppers in China.
In this video, Stacey Widlitz, retail and consumer expert and founder of SW Retail Advisors, talks to Sweaty Betty CEO Julia Straus about how Alibaba supported the brand’s entry into the China market and where their China journey will take them next.