xi jinping

China’s future after the 20th Party Congress

The 20th Party Congress showed Xi Jinping doubling down on existing policy initiatives with little sign of major adjustments, but…

1 year ago

How to understand China’s 20th Party Congress

Predicting Chinese leadership changes is notoriously difficult, and China watchers have to rely on scraps of public information to gauge…

2 years ago

Five books that explain the Chinese economy

China’s role in the global economy has evolved faster than that of any other country in the world. These five…

4 years ago

40 years of opening up: The reform and opening up policy introduced in 1978 not only changed China, but the entire world

The reform and opening up policy introduced in 1978 not only changed China, but the entire world. FOCUS asks people…

5 years ago

A new anti-corruption commission has been established with even wider powers

A new anti-corruption commission has been established with even wider powers, and it may just be working, writes Tom Pattinson…

6 years ago